Solas Counselling & Psychotherapy, Counsellor and Psychotherapist, Dublin, Ireland - Declan Tarpey
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The Counselling Process

1. The Opening & Stabilisation Phase
Disclosure of current and historic life issues that are bringing the person to counselling.
Beginning to establish a counselling relationship.
Creating trust, safety, self awareness and mindfulness.
Telling and remembering personal experiences.
Identifying and highlighting both internal and external resources.

2. The Deepening Phase
Deepening the counselling relationship.
Emotional connection to life experiences.
Surfacing and release of unconscious material.
Connecting with deep emotional pain.
Development of resources to manage activation.

3. The Integration Phase
Counselling Relationship is adult to adult.
Emerging self-knowledge and understanding.
Re-appraisal and positive choices in life style and personal choices.
Leaving counselling and closure in the counselling relationship.

(The process is best understood in a circular rather than a linear format with deepening and integration occurring from the first session.)

We see the therapy process as a success when not only what we are going through is resolved or accepted, but when we are able to live our lives to our full potential. 

Contact Solas Counselling & Psychotherapy
Address: 14 The Willows, Rock Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
Contact: Declan Tarpey, AMIACP; AMIAAAC.
Phone: 01 2108101 & 086 8187074

And then the day came...
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