Suicide can be a very difficult issue for everyone to deal with, whether we are trying to cope with our own suicidal feelings or have lost a loved one through suicide. Whatever the situation this is a time when the services of an experienced professional can really help.
Feeling Suicidal Many people who suffer greatly in their lives turn to thoughts of suicide as a way of relieving their pain. Frequently, that pain is not obvious to others and so can lead to isolation and despair. No one seems to understand. Life can seem like a very dark place. It can be exhausting trying to cope with the weight of feelings locked inside and every day can be a struggle to stay alive. With little hope that life will get any better, death seems like a way out. It is a way of ending the overwhelming pain.
Counselling has a great deal to offer those who live with this struggle. It can provide a safe and supportive environment with unconditional acceptance. It can provide a way of working through this difficult time, bringing the person to a place of relief within themselves from their suffering, where their choices in life are greatly enhanced.
Support for people bereaved through suicide Those who have been affected by the death of someone through suicide are often left in shock, wondering what they might have done or could have done that would have changed the person’s actions. Frequently, they are plagued with questions that will never be answered and burdened with feelings of guilt, re-living their encounters with the person who has died by suicide over and over again. The grief experienced is often compounded by others who do not understand what it is like to have this experience.
Counselling can provide an opportunity to explore these difficult feelings and questions in a way that is not possible with others. It can provide support and assist the person in coping with how the death has affected them.
Solas Counselling and Psychotherapy has considerable experience of dealing with the issue of suicide. In addition to providing support to people with suicidal feelings and to those bereaved by suicide, Solas continues to provide professional support to those who work in this area and who are in daily contact with others at risk of suicide.