Workshops & Group Work
In addition to working with individuals Solas Counselling & Psychotherapy also works with various groups, in a variety of sectors. Workshops are generally designed specifically depending on the needs of the group and can take place on a one-off basis or as part of a series dealing with interlinked topics. In the latter case, the workshops are seen as a journey bringing participants from where they are to where they want to be.
Alongside the work on the focused topic of the workshop, whether a single or series of workshops, is the continued personal development and growth of each participant. The workshops encourage participation by each individual with an emphasis on experiential learning. Recent workshops included topics such as: Boundaries, Acceptance & Understanding, Hearts Desire, Listening, Sexuality, Sexual abuse, Racism, Obesity, Inner peace, Me you and the space between us and Resources.
We are aware that each business or sector has its own particular requirements and here in Solas we continue to be involved in the creation of workshops designed to meet the specific needs and emphasis of each client.
Northern Ireland
Over a number of years Solas has worked with individuals and groups from both sides of the religious and political divide. These included Victims/Survivors, Former Combatants and Politicians.
Solas continues to work with a number of schools at various levels within the Primary, Secondary and Third level education system. The work varies from taking a role on Pastoral Care Teams, to working with individual students who are experiencing difficulties at a particular time, to working with various groups/classes on particular issues.
Typical issues include; low self-esteem, bullying, anger management and isolation. Workshops with students have included; eating disorders, sexuality and boundaries. |